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      Unravel Vail coffee bar
      Gravity Haus Vail
      352 E Meadow Dr.
      Vail, CO





      Outside, a buzzing ski town and European village hums alongside the Gore Creek. Inside, natural light floods velvet booths while the warm intoxication of wood, steel and tasteful design mingles with fresh roasted sustainably sourced coffee. Dashes of elegance carry over from the adjacent mountain-mod steakhouse and creativity flows from the active co-working space.

      Feel the uplifting buzz that comes with embracing a new collaborative coffee experience — one that embodies agriculture, technology, sustainable regiments and the human experience. Nab artisan pocket snacks for the slopes or the trail, fuel up on organic farmed fare and then stock your pantry with Colorado-made treats. Nourishing and sustainable, stunning and approachable, Unravel is changing the way people get — and experience — their coffee.

      Sip with ease alongside fellow adventurers and inspired travelers. Find comfort in knowing that — thanks to our reusable glass jars — not one single paper cup has landed in the trash from Unravel. This is the scene that evolves when coffee is used as a force for good. Unravel brings people together and empowers communities with a mission to make the world a better, more sustainable place.

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