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      "The Remedy" is a custom blend of coffee from Ethiopia, Panama and Colombia designed to replenish the comfort and connection of the coffee community and uplift spirits in these troubled times. This new blend pays tribute to our modern day heroes to keep them going strong every day. When you purchase two bags of your favorite coffee or start a new coffee subscription, we’ll donate and ship a bag of The Remedy to your hero of choice!

      Healthcare workers, police, paramedics, delivery drivers - do you know someone who is working hard for their community?  You get to choose who receives a bag of The Remedy.

      Those fighting on the frontlines of this pandemic shouldn’t have to resort to bland cups of coffee. Let us help surprise your personal champion, anywhere in the country.

      What's this about a coffee membership?

      Join us for a remarkable taste experience with an Unravel Coffee Membership. We offer a wide variety of coffee flavor profiles, primarily from our farm projects in Ethiopia and select small-lot coffees from countries like Colombia, Bolivia, Guatemala and Kenya (seasonal). 

      In Ethiopia, we have crafted complex fermentation formulas that allow you to discover the true art of specialty coffee.  We roast in small batches on our zero emissions Bellwether Roaster and ship it directly to your home, office, or small business.

      Just a few simple steps to get started:

      1. Choose the type(s) of coffee that fit your taste preferences
      2. Select the quantity and bag size you would like to receive

      Choose the frequency of delivery (every 1,2,3 or 4 weeks)

      Hero Coffee Program

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